jul 2011

Nothing to do? Well, pop over!

I’m doing some iPad coding and I really like the UIPopoverController widget for displaying various things. It is versatile and you can put almost anything in it. It could be used like a menu or contain a tableview or a palette with shapes or... The possibilities are endless, almost. So when I needed to use a popover in another iPhone application that I wrote I was so disappointed it was a iPad only class. I wanted to implement a right navigationbar button so the user could set the sort order in a tableview and I thought the popover was the right way to do it. I have no explanation for why Apple has chosen to only use it on bigger screens. I can understand that you have to be a little careful with the use of it but to omit it on the iPhone is just not right. So I looked on the net for an open source implementation and found Werner Altewischer’s WEPopoverController. It did the thing nicely but it had some images in the resource group an since I collect reusable classes in a static lib I thought I fix this. After some coding I found myself rewriting the whole thing.

Eagerly awaiting reading

Always when the end of a month is approaching I find myself eagerly awaiting the moment when Ole Begeman’s first blogpost of the month is out. With this post he summarize the month that has passed on Twitter and other peoples blogs regarding programming, iOS, Mac, components, design and even patent issues. He manages to find most of the interesting (for me anyway) topics that has been discussed since last month.