Where did I put my framework

After working with AppKit since 1989 (yes, I’m that old, even older than @johaneltes) I am so used to package my ideas in frameworks so when I started to develop for the iOS platform I almost gave up. Why the .... have Apple only granted themselves to use this fantastic concept. Well, it turned out that there are other solutions and I might understand Apple for that paranoid security concern of theirs.

There are other solutions to the problem even though the best parts of the .frameworks are capsulation and the ability to include resources of different kinds.

One approach is to have your classes in groups that are created from folder that you drop into your different projects. But this don’t get you the freedom to write stuff without sharing the code. It is possible to have the code and the resources in the same or in subgroups.

Another way is to write static libraries with the classes you wish to share between projects. How to do this is explained in the iCodeBlog, excellent reading. The drawback with this solution is of cause that the static library can’t contain resources.

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